Wednesday, January 16, 2008

PSpice Simulation of the Potentiometer Circuit

EE446 Report

To: J.A. Svoboda


Date(s): 1/18/08

Introduction: The circuit shown in Figure 1 produces an output voltage, vo, that represents the quantity indicated by a dial connected to the potentiometer. The dial is connected to an 100 kOhm potentiometer indicates an angle -180 deg < theta < 180 deg. Also, take Ri = 50 kOhm and Rf = 250 kOhm.

Figure 1. Potentiometer circuit.

Conclusion: ...


1. Figure 2 shows the PSpice circuit that simulates the circuit shown in Figure1.

Figure 2. PSpice simulation of the potentiometer circuit. (Requires modification.)

2. Figure 3 shows a plot of the output voltage versus the input angle obtained using the PSpice simulation of the potentiometer circuit.

Figure 3. PSpice simulation results.(Requires modification.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Using a potentiometer is the simplest form of analog position sensing.

digital potentiometer