Thursday, February 21, 2008

PSpice model of a compensated op amp

EE446 Report

To: P.J. Galvin, R.J Shoop and M.E. Turk

From: (1, 2 or 3 person teams)

Date: 2/25/08

Subject: PSpice model of the TL054 op amp

Introduction: The circuit shown in Figure 1 is proposed as a model of a compensated op amp. This model incorporates the input and output impedances of the op amp and the open loop gain of a compensated op amp:

where ao is the dc gain, ft is the unity-gain bandwidth and vo is the node voltage at the output node of the op amp.

Figure 1.Model of a Compensated Op Amp

The parameters of the model are related to the parameters of a compensated op amp by the equations

Ri =… , A = … , R = … , C = … and Ro = …

Conclusion: …


R1: The parameters of the TL054 op amp are …. Using the equations given in the introduction, the parameters of the model of the TL054 op amp are ….

R2: The plot of vo as a function of vD shown in Figure 2 was obtained using the PSpice simulation shown in Figure 3…

R3: The simulation indicate that …

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